Most organisations we work with operate with vacancies that make filling all shifts with substantive staff difficult. Add on unplanned absence, and the need to access quality temporary workers becomes mission critical. We help you plan for temporary workers and we make it easy and attractive for temporary or causal staff to find, access and be paid for work in your organisation.
Our technology manages the process from planning to daily staffing helping you fill vacant shifts with the right people at the right cost. Safeguarding quality and making care delivery sustainable in the long-term.
On a typical month in the UK alone our technology fills over 1.7m shifts with bank or agency staff. Our process from planning to daily staffing mean over 80% of these shifts are filled by known NHS staff on banks and not premium cost agency staff. We make it easy to be proactive about vacant shifts.
And that is why we love temporary workers. They let you complete your workforce so you can operate at your best, so everyone can deliver the best health and care.