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Take control and realise savings.

Engage workers the way you want to.

Allocate StaffDirect

247Time is changing to Allocate StaffDirect | Take control and realise savings.

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Saving NHS trusts over £210 million in agency staffing spend.

Traditionally, when filling vacant shifts, organisations must source their temporary staff from agencies. Allocate StaffDirect changes the way that organisations engage with their staff and enables them to achieve financial savings, greater control, and further transparency.

By using Allocate StaffDirect, organisations pay the temporary worker direct, pay the agency a ‘finder’s fee’, avoid any unnecessary VAT charges and the entire process is fully automated. It enables the sourcing and direct engagement of compliant candidates to change the way temporary doctors, Allied Health Professionals and more are facilitated, saving up to 27% on agency costs. Extensive reporting allows you to see at a glance the savings generated and to identify missed opportunities.

Fully integrated with Allocate Optima, combine Allocate StaffDirect with Allocate AgencyManager to provide a powerful agency-management platform.


Straightforward compliance with HMRC rules and candidate documentation.


Streamline processes and reduce administration time.

Cost reduction

Save 20% VAT on applicable salaries and reduce agency costs.

Visibility and control

Real-time data and rate management.


Up to £30 back for every £1 you spend with us.

Webinar: Pathways to Agency Success | More Efficient Agency Processes

Want guidance around managing your agency processes? Join John Webster, Product Manager, and Hannah Brookes, Customer Representative, in our free 20-minute webinar and find out how to identify areas for improvement, how to use data to help you, and much more.

Just add your details to access the webinar instantly.

“The financial savings have been significant. For an investment of £565,000, the trust has saved a total of £13.2 million since the launch of the system in 2014.”

John Simon
Head of Temporary Staffing, Barts Health NHS Trust

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“In the first year our agency spend reduced by 27 per cent from £19.8m a year to £14.4m and we are on track to reach £12m spend this year.”

Rachel Pyrah
Flexible Workforce Services Manager, Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

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Savings in Agency Fees

Fill in the form below to see how much you could save

Saving NHS trusts £210 million in agency staffing spend

Find out more or request your complimentary agency staffing assessment.


How long does the system take to implement?

Implementation usually takes around four weeks. The whole implementation is overseen by the our team and follows a tried-and-tested pattern.

How does Allocate StaffDirect work?

Allocate StaffDirect provides a neutral technology platform to allow organisations to pay temporary staff directly by an organisations payroll or by AllocatePay (instead of by the agencies).

The agency is then paid commission separately by the trust. The platform handles all your cost-centre information, grades and finance codes pay rates and job roles.

See our Allocate StaffDirect related resources

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