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Allocate DataHub

Structured workforce data delivered directly to your BI Tool and Data warehouse

DataHub Screenshots

Allocate DataHub safely and securely delivers workforce data from Allocate Optima directly to your own business intelligence tool or data warehouse, allowing you to easily complete analysis, understand your rostering performance, and drive targeted, evidence-based improvement programs across your organisation.

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“(This report) was taking staff roughly around 45 minutes to 1 hour every single day”

“Now that we’ve got all the data following into a data warehouse, it takes about 5 minutes”

Import Reportable Data

Import Allocate Optima data directly into your own data warehouse or BI tool via a fast, simple, and secure connection.

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Member of staff using HeathRoster11 to roster their team

Enhance your BI Tool 

Make the most of your BI Tool by downloading workforce data in a structured ‘plug and play’ format, enabling you to complete prescriptive and predictive reporting. 

Talk to our team to discover more >

Data across your Organisation

Import your workforce data directly from DataHub into your data warehouse, filing all data in one location, allowing you to triangulate and analyse data from across your organisation. 

Talk to our team to discover more >
Driving out discrimination to ensure a safe space for all staff and patients

Reduce Administrative Burden 

Enhance the value gained from reporting by greatly reducing the time spend creating workforce reports, allowing you to complete current reports more often and create new reports with ease. 

Learn more about Allocate DataHub
clinician at a computer late at night

Automated Reports with Up-to-Date Data 

Create automated and scheduled reports within your own BI Tool, with the up-to-date workforce data provided via Allocate DataHub directly from Allocate Optima. 

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Allocate DataHub Mock Up 2

Hear from those using DataHub

During our 'Introducing Allocate DataHub' webinar, Craig la Buscagne, Workforce Intelligence Manager, shared his experience of using DataHub and how they were easily able to provide assurance to their executive team following a report in a TV program.

Watch On-Demand Webinar

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the data provided by DataHub updated in real-time?

The DataHub solution provides Business Intelligence data daily to meet standard BI reporting needs and keep the solution affordable. For real-time information that you’ll use to make operational decisions, we recommend using the in-product reports and tools.  

How up-to-date is the data in DataHub?

The DataHub solution provides Business Intelligence data daily allowing you and your organisation to meet standard BI reporting needs.

What if I need more real time reports?

For real-time information that you’ll use to make operational decisions, we recommend using in-product reports and tools.

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Workforce Planning Solutions

Efficient and effective workforce planning, that feeds into your rosters.

Allocate Optima

Rostering solution built for the complex demands of health and care.

Allocate Loop

Empower and engage with your workforce with an intuitive mobile app.

Allocate ActivityManager

Assign your workforce to clinical activity.

Flexible Staffing Solutions

Improve your fill rate on vacant shifts in your roster.

Allocate SafeCare

Redeploying your people in a live environment.

Get in touch to find out more

See our Allocate DataHub related resources

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