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We are delighted to announce that North Central London ICS has been shortlisted as a finalist for the Most Effective Contribution to Integrated Health and Care at the HSJ Partnership Awards 2023.

Recognising the achievements of a unique and widespread collaboration of seven organisations within North Central London ICS along with  RLDatix, using our Allocate Workforce Technology, and Locum’s Nest using their medical bank technology, to implement a cloud-based shared non-medical and medical bank. The aim was to set up a system that would reduce agency costs and provide greater flexibility for staff, filling shifts wherever partner organisations had vacancies that could not be filled by internal bank systems. This would build significant resilience into operational processes in the face of rising demand for patient services and chronic staff shortages.

The trusts were already using RLDatix’s Allocate rostering and temp staffing software, Allocate Optima (HealthRoster) and Allocate BankStaff as well as Locums Nest’s bank software to fill vacancies together with their own internal banks. Introducing a collaborative bank solution as a third line of support allows all NCL ICS providers to share resources seamlessly. Filling gaps with safe and appropriately qualified bank workers from other NHS organisations, ensures safe staffing levels can be met at the lowest possible cost. It is forecast that the collaboration will reduce agency costs by £1.2 million a year while also providing flexible working options.

The HSJ Partnership Awards will take place in London on 23 March 2023, visit the website to find out more about the awards. Follow us on twitter and LinkedIn and we will keep you posted as the awards are announced. #HSJPartnershipAwards

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