In this June bumper edition, we share with you recent updates to solutions, invite you to take part in our next round of Community Catch Up’s and collaborative programmes, plus your chance to share your story with us at People Summit 2023.
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COMMUNITY CATCH UP: All things Junior Doctor Workforce Management
From Rotas to Rostering, Monitoring and Exception Reporting, our first Community Catch Up about all things Junior Doctor Workforce Management is taking place in July.
Join Alex Martin and Tom Bird, Customer Success Specialists, as they provide you with updates from product and academy, as well as hot topics including LTFT Rota Management and Self-Rostering for your Junior Doctors.
This Community Catch Up is taking place on Wednesday 19th July, 11:00am-12:00pm.

SOLUTION UPDATE: Release 1.7 of Allocate JobPlan
In June, we released the latest update to Allocate JobPlan with a range of new features and improvements requested by you, our job planning community.
Hannah Kitchen, our job planning product expert, has shared several short demo videos highlighting these new features, including filters that are remembered for you, ability to edit job plans during discussion phase and more…

TEAM BASED JOB PLANNING: Join our Collaborative Programme
Our Customer Success team are kicking off a new collaborative programme with organisations who are looking to implement team-based job planning.
If you would like to join us for this programme and provide your insight and input, we’d love to hear from you. Spaces are limited, so get in touch with Tom Bird at [email protected].

REFLECTIONS: NHS Confed Expo 2023
Darren Kilroy, Medical Director, International at RLDatix, reflects on his time at NHS Confed Expo 2023.
“I attended this years Confed Expo in Manchester where I was delighted to deliver a seminar on the importance of effective workforce management entitled ‘If you want to know the healthcare future, look at its past’.
I reflected back on the first 20 years of the NHS’s existence as part of the “NHS75” event theme and picked out some of the early workforce reports from the 1950s/60s. Even back then, it highlighted the need for effective workforce planning and deployment, and was able to align this to our current challenges in healthcare through the lens of a whole series of subsequent workforce reports in the intervening years.
Thank you to everyone who attended my seminar. It was great speaking to so many people. If you missed the seminar and would like to hear more, feel free to reach out to me via email ([email protected]) or via Twitter (@DrDKilroy)”
Thank you to everyone who came to our session today. I was speechless and humbled to find that a lead author of a seminal report from the 1960s I referenced was….in the audience! What a unique moment. Tomorrow we continue the journey with a discussion of psychological safety. https://t.co/g0KRZt1wrv
— Darren Kilroy (@DrDKilroy) June 14, 2023

FEATURE SPOTLIGHT: Allocate Rota & Exception Reporting
We also introduced updates to Allocate Rota (aka eRota) and Exception Reporting this month and we wanted to shine a spotlight on what has been included.
Head over to the Support Portal to watch videos from our Customer Success team on what is in Allocate Rota 6.17 and Exception Reporting 1.15.

MILESTONE: Saving the NHS £200million in agency staffing costs
We are thrilled that Allocate StaffDirect has managed to save the NHS £200 million in agency staffing costs.
New to what Allocate StaffDirect is and want to know more? Allocate StaffDirect simply enables the sourcing and direct engagement of compliant candidates to change the way your temporary doctors, Allied Health Professionals and more are facilitated, saving up to 27% on agency costs.
To find out more, you can request your own agency savings assessment to help you identify how you can make savings on your agency costs.

PEOPLE SUMMIT: Call for Papers
Do you have a story you want to share with your fellow Medics Workforce specialists?
People Summit 2023 is taking place in October in Bournemouth and we are looking for people who want to share their learnings, best practices and insightful stories.