For our first round up of 2023, we hear from the members of our medics community and the product team working on introducing new features and improvements to our medics solutions.
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CASE STUDY: Airedale NHS Foundation Trust | Introducing Allocate ActivityManager to their Anaesthetics and theatre services
In our latest case study, we spoke with Amanda Limbert, Workforce Systems Manager at Airedale NHS Foundation Trust on how they introduced Allocate ActivityManager to their Anaesthetics and theatre services. In this, she shared her insights into how they have created resilience, improved their governance and enabled safe staffing.
Read the latest case study here
”The benefit is that the system is now managed by administrators with consultant overview, therefore releasing clinical time to provide increased patient care based on job plans.
Amanda LimbertWorkforce Systems Manager | Airedale NHS Foundation Trust

We are proud in supporting organisations in managing their medical workforces. Whether that be to help them in their rostering practices, being part of our medics community or in the development of our solutions.
We love it when we get feedback from people we work and how it demonstrates they are making a real difference to their organisations. Hear from Maxine Gash and Timothy MacDonald Watson below.
”Myself and the team here at MFT have hugely benefited from being part of the medics community group setup by RLDatix.
As a Trust who is advanced in their medics rostering journey, our main focus is on how to better roster quite complex specialities and establish best practice in how we fully maximise the use of functionality within the system. Within the group you can always find another Trust who has experience of your ideas/queries, or are willing to collaborate to explore further.
Another huge benefit of the group is also having open dialogue with the medics rostering experts at RLDatix to again bounce ideas off. As a result, we are providing a better solution and experience for our Clinicians which is our aim.
Maxine GashWorkforce Systems Manager | Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust (MFT)
”Everyone here is very happy to be working with Allocate JobPlan version 11. The software has received a number of updates over the last year and the improvements keep coming.
We are pleased that the Allocate team has made upgrades linked to suggestions on the Ideas Portal such as the ‘All activities’ view.
In the coming months we are excited about communicating the Demand and Team Planning tools to those that wish to use them around our Trust. The improved software has transformed the experience of our users and we no longer get complaints!
Tim MacDonald WatsonJob Planning Lead, Medical Workforce | University Hospital Southampton.

MEET THE TEAM: Planning for the year ahead
It’s been a busy January for the our product and R&D teams as they meet up for their quarterly planning session. As part of this process, the teams meet to discuss development and roadmaps of our medics solutions including job planning and rostering. As part of these, they review what has been introduced, ideas that have come in from users via the Product Ideas Portal and start to shape what new improvements and features are going to be brought into the solutions into the coming year.
Pictured are just some of the members of the R&D and product teams during Januarys’ planning sessions.