In this edition, check out what was discussed and shared during our first job planning Community Catch Up, as well as your opportunity to watch back our recent Activity-Based Webinar Series.
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COMMUNITY CATCH UP: Watch back our first session
We held our first Community Catch Up with users of Allocate JobPlan (aka eJobPlan) on the 20th April. Thank you to everyone who attended. We had 90 people join us from organisations across England, Scotland and Wales.
During this first catch up, we heard from:
- Mr Chitre, Chief Medical Officer for James Paget University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, shared their organisations experience of engaging their workforce with the job planning process.
- Tom Bird, Customer Success Specialist for job planning, discussed recent topics including On-Call Rotas and Annualised Job-Planning.
- Tom Ross, Product Manager, reflected on the latest JobPlan releases and gave a small preview into what is coming up in our next release.
If you missed the session, or just want to watch back, you can do over on our Community Catch Up page on the Support Portal.
The Next Community Catch Up
Our next JobPlan Community Catch Up will be taking place very soon. If you are a subscriber to our Medics Monthly Update, we’ll let you know first when this is.

April’s Focus Groups
April brought our latest focus groups together, focusing on all things Medics Workforce Management.
Attended by over 30 organisations, our sessions were split into two different areas. Organisations joined in the morning to discuss Mental Health topics, and Community in the afternoon.
Everyone took part in discussions including self-rostering, annualization, managing on-call rotas across multiple locations, and different approaches to reporting and benefits realisation.
Thank you to everyone who attended for sharing their insights and thoughts on these different topics. All your input really helps strengthen the community and additionally, helps to share our future product roadmaps.

Thank you Manchester
Thank you to Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust for renewing with RLDatix for our workforce planning and management solutions, including Allocate Optima, Allocate JobPlan and Allocate StaffDirect.
We are delighted to continue our partnership and look forward to supporting the extension of job planning into the rest of the organisation.

WATCH BACK: Activity Based Webinar Series
Our 4 part webinar series all around Activity-Based rostering is now complete. From an introduction to Activity-Based Rostering, to setting up demand and day-to-day management, these sessions are all now available to watch back.
To catch up on these sessions, just head over to the Support Portal.