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Medics Monthly Round Up | August 2024

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News | The Detail

Join our online study day to hear how University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust (UHNM) transformed job planning processes at their organisation, achieving 99% sign off rates for their job plans.

Gain insights and practical tips on how they overcame challenges around job planning, for both their operational and clinical teams, boosting productivity and supporting delivery of care.

Why attend?

  • Learn about the challenges the Trust was experiencing around job planning and the journey they have been on to achieve 99% compliance.
  • Discover how they are boosting engagement with job planning within their clinical team.
  • Find out how the Trust is effectively reporting and aligning job plans to clinical activity and service delivery.
  • Hear two medical directors in conversation – Dr Matthew Lewis (Medical Director, UHNM) and Dr Darren Kilroy (Medical Director, RLDatix) chat about the importance of job planning.
  • Explore how the Allocate JobPlan system can support your organisation to quickly and efficiently manage your job planning process.
  • Engage with your peers and share insights.
Register your place

We’re going to be at the Acute and General Medicine 2024 conference, in London 1st-2nd October.

During the event we will be looking in detail at three important domains – planning, rostering and reporting – to examine what makes for a good experience in the use of technology. To better understand how we can make the solutions work for clinicians, not the other way round. And to make the technology do what it is designed to do – deliver safer, more efficient and higher quality care.

In his latest blog, Dr Darren Kilroy (Medical Director at RLDatix) talks more about what you can expect from us at the event.

Read the blog

The Royal College of Emergency Medicine Annual Scientific Conference 2024 is taking place in Gateshead on 8th-10th October and RLDatix will be in attendance.

Attendees can visit the RLDatix stand to meet with members of the team and discuss how to make sure the RLDatix solutions can support clinicians, supporting the delivery of safer, more efficient and higher quality care.

Are members of your workforce going to be at the event? If they would like to book in a chat ahead of time, please get in touch.

Connected Health & Care Summit (formerly People Summit) is taking place on the 17th – 18th October in Manchester. This year the event will be in-person, only.

Once again, we will bring together the largest community of health and care professionals in service planning, clinical operations, workforce operations, and safety from across Europe.

The Summit will feature inspiring, interactive, and thought-provoking sessions from industry leaders, and keynote speakers along with users of the UK’s and the world’s most impactful health and care technologies.

We’ve already announced some exciting speakers, including:

  • Lord Victor Adebowale – Executive Leader
  • Professor Alison Leary – Chair of Healthcare & Workforce Modelling, London South Bank University
  • Jon Fenwick – BMA North West Region Junior Doctors, Paediatrician, Alder Hey Children’s Hospital Trust
  • And more to come!

Click here to discover all of the speakers so far, or click the link below to register your place.

Register now

We’re thrilled to announce the opening of the RLDatix Awards 2024 submissions! The awards will take place at the end of day one of the Connected Health & Care Summit. Last year we celebrated and acknowledged individuals, teams and organisations from across Europe showcasing truly amazing projects and initiatives – and this year we can’t wait to do the same.

What are the Categories?

🌟 Safer Care Award

🌟 Supported Workforce Award

🌟 Sustainable Organisation Award

🌟 Engagement Award for Innovative Collaboration

🌟 Innovative Award for Quality Improvement

🌟 Safety and Workforce Effectiveness across a System Award

How do I submit my entry?
Click the link below to view the RLDatix Awards page, there you can view the categories and descriptions. By clicking “submit your nomination” you’ll be taken to a form to complete the submission. Deadline for entries is Wednesday 4th September.


Enter the awards
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