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The proposed CQC changes to Key Lines of Enquiry (KLOEs) and how Allocate is keeping in touch with developments Compliance & AssuranceCustomer Success The proposed CQC changes to Key Lines of Enquiry (KLOEs) and how Allocate is keeping in touch with developments
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Thinking the unthinkable – the seismic shifts underway to fix the agency crisis in the NHS Medic & Science WorkforceNurse & Care Workforce Thinking the unthinkable – the seismic shifts underway to fix the agency crisis in the NHS
The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust: using HealthAssure for one consistent source of data for the whole organisation, enabling improvement over compliance and releasing time to care. Case StudyCompliance & Assurance The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust: using HealthAssure for one consistent source of data for the whole organisation, enabling improvement over compliance and releasing time to care.