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Updated for 2024

The nominations for RLDatix Awards 2024 are now open! The categories and criteria are available on our website, and we look forward to receiving your nominations and entries soon.

Before you start, here are some hints and tips that could help you to write an Award-Winning entry!

1. Familiarise yourself with the award categories and the initiatives you are planning to enter.

It is important to make sure you understand what the judges will be looking for.

Each submission will be considered within the following criteria:

Impact How well does the applicant demonstrate the impact of the project. How significant is the impact?
Spread Can this project/initiative be replicated or can it inspire others?
Alignment  Does the project align with the category?
Evidence  Is there evidence to support this project?

2. Follow a narrative or story through every answer

To help the judges understand the challenges faced, actions taken, and results or goals met.

3. Involve the right people

including testimonials, gaining support, and asking others to proof-read before signing off on your submission will often produce a better, more comprehensive submission.

4. Get leadership buy-in

Make sure your organisation is supportive of your submission. In addition to this, you should confirm who needs to sign off the entry. Put time in their diary now to make sure they will be able to do it before the deadline.

5. Gather statistics and data

All of which can be used as evidence for your submission and check the numbers to support your narrative. Map this evidence against the category’s criteria – make sure you can tick all the boxes for the award category you are entering or nominating for before starting the submission.

6. Allow sufficient time to prepare your nomination(s)

Making sure to include time for sign-off before submitting. Remember the deadline for entries is Thursday 5th September 2024.


So many of our customers have remarkable stories to share – and we love hearing about the ways in which organisations improve or enhance patient care and safety! So, what can you include in your entry or nomination to make it stand out? Once you have ticked all the award criteria, here is a list of points for consideration that could make your entry really stand out to our independent panel of judges.


  • Can your project be replicated/adopted by others?
  • Does it contribute to the progress of health and care, and patient safety?
  • Does your project make things better for at-risk or vulnerable groups?
  • Have you cracked a problem that everyone has, but no one else has solved?
  • What is next? Share your plans to move things forward and retain momentum.



  • There is no limit on how many categories you can enter or nominate for. However, if you enter two categories, you must submit a different project or initiative in each category. 
  • The judges will not have any background information on your project and may not be familiar with specific terminology or abbreviations. 
  • The deadline for entries is Thursday 5th September 2024


Finally… good luck! We are looking forward to your nominations and hope to see you at the Gala Dinner & RLDatix Awards 2024 Ceremony on 17th October. If you would like to bring along additional colleagues to the Awards Evening, that aren’t attending this year’s Summit, you can purchase additional Awards Evening Only tickets on our website and bring them into the celebrations.

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